Working on Viki can be both fun and challenging. However, ensuring you maintain good citizenship behavior when you contribute is an absolute must when working on a channel with people from different backgrounds and parts of the world. Below is a list of things that a Ninja Contributor must not commit!

  1. Working on channels without permission when the Channel Manager (CM) is someone other than VIKI
  • Segmenters and subbers are to have the approval of the CM or Moderator before joining and helping out on a channel. You will then be designated as a subber or segmenter.
  • Only channels where VIKI is the sole CM are you allowed to contribute without permission.
  1. Segmenting before an episode is split into parts or leaving your part incomplete
  • Segmenting before splits prevents the episode from being split properly, causes segments to become irreplaceable or go missing, and slows down the progress.
  • Be sure to complete the part you started segmenting and then report the part you segmented. If an emergency comes up and you are unable to finish your part, please let other team members know so your part can be completed. All communication must be done in the Team Discussion tab.
  1. Subtitling into your language before receiving the "Go" signal or using only Google Translate
  • This is for quality assurance purposes so that people around the world can have the best quality translations. If subbing is done before receiving the signal or an online translator is solely used, the translations may not be accurate.
  1. Reserving parts (segmenting two or more parts at the same time on the same or different channels)
  • Don’t be greedy. There is enough “cake” for everyone.
  1. Showing disrespect toward other teammates. This includes:
  • Subbers expressing unhappiness after an editor changes their subtitles for legitimate reasons.
  • Segmenters being upset that their segments were deleted or adjusted by the editors or the Chief Segmenter.
  • Writing up comments of discontent, and directly or indirectly criticizing someone outright in public discussion or comment boards rather than contacting them through private message.
  • Writing hurtful messages or hate-mail to your channel contributor via private message.

“I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying.” 

― Nelson Mandela

  1. Striving for quantity instead of quality
  • Viewers don’t care about the number of the segments you cut, but they do care about the quality of the segments. They will complain about early, late, long, and short segments.
  • Other teammates might have to fix your segments because you were in a rush.
  • Sloppy work takes a long time to clean up. The Quality Checker (QC) of a channel is a volunteer who makes sure the video is edited well, but she/he will not be happy to see an entire part of messy work. [Note: this is not the same as Qualified Contributor (QC)]
  1. Removing a member from your team without notice
  • Removing an active or inactive team member without notice is disrespectful and hurtful, considering the fact that the person was once a teammate and contributor.
  1. Being jealous of others, rather than being sincere in your admiration
  • If you think someone has skills that deserve praise, please be sincere and send them a word of sincere admiration. Try to learn from them and respect them for their skills instead of being envious, directing your energy in a negative context.
  1. Being an arrogant phony, rather than being humble in your own skills
  • Nobody likes a braggart (that much). Try to understand that everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Acknowledge the fact that someone else’s strength may also be your weakness.
  1. Don’t shy away if you notice an "injustice," such as someone being treated unfairly or someone committing one of the nine previous sins or beyond, including Viki's own community guidelines
  • Treat others in the same way you want to be treated.
  • If you see an injustice, try to find a peaceful solution. If a solution is deemed impossible, please contact a Viki Community Team Member (Mariko, Brovo, Dee or Yuria) so that Viki can deal with it directly.

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