This week's article is written by a segmenter who shares with us her first experiences segmenting on an on-air channel and what she wishes she could have known back then. Enjoy!
Flying solo for the first time was a mix of...
excitement, panic, joy, and then panic again.
My first segmenting (on air) project was an emotional roller-coaster. Of course, I jumped for joy when I joined the segmenter team of that channel.
For me, the segmenters on Viki were, and still are, like magicians as they cut a part in such a fast and “relaxed” way.
But when I actually got the chance to segment a part, I was scared and must have had a facial expression like the one in "The Scream" by Edvard Munch.I wondered: "How can the other segmenters be so relaxed while I worry after every segment I cut?"My segmenting speed could have been called “turtle speed”. On second thought, even a turtle could have been faster than I was at segmenting. While I cut and checked my segments again and again, the other segmenters cut their parts like butter, a piece of cake. I was totally amazed and impressed by their great skills, but that didn’t help me with my “being scared of messing segments up” problem.
However, thanks to the encouraging words and tips of the channel manager and the other segmenters, I hung on and tried my best. The more I cut, the more I enjoyed the segmenting work.
Looking back at my first segmenting project, I think I know why I got so easily scared during my first solo flight. If I had a chance to write a diary to my "past self" as the "future me" while traveling back and forth through time (Confused yet?? I always felt like that when I watched Faith, which is one of my favourite dramas by the way! The drama is so cool!!), I would write this:
Some Tips TO ME by me...
1) NEVER EVER compare your segmenting speed with someone else's while segmenting. The other segmenters are experienced, so don’t panic just because you are a “newbie”, as everyone was a newbie in the beginning.
2) Whenever you lose confidence about your segmenting skills, think of these statements as a personal mantra: No one is born a master. Skill comes with practice.
3) If you need more time in order to finish a part, it is not a “drama” at all! If you still worry about your speed, then just segment one of the last parts.
4) In case you are still too worried about your speed: Close your eyes and imagine you are the only one in the channel and in the timer. But don't forget to keep your eyes open while cutting the segments!
5) Don’t overdo the checking part. Just cut a segment, check its timing and length and then move on. Don’t obsess over a single segment. But if you are not sure about a certain segment, just ask an experienced segmenter for help or post a note in the team discussion.
6) The more you segment, the faster you become. It is similar to "Pokemon": You reach the “next level” after collecting some (combat) experience as a Ninja Segmenter.
7) Last but not least, don't make that "Munch Scream" face while segmenting! Just thinking of it scares me. Just relax and have some fun while you cut! Instead of making that face, sing "Everybody was kung-fu fighting."
Now it is your turn! What would you write to your "past self" as the "future you" based on your experiences as a segmenter? I'm curious about your experiences! What would you do differently? (Believe me, I'm way more confused than you by time traveling. It is definitely not the way I would prefer to travel... ;-))
10:30 PM |
Comments (1)
Well, I will like to say that I haven't got the opportunity to work on an on-air channel because my time is limited to work on viki during the nights, but what I can say is that after finishing my training I went back to my channels and saw the horrors I made. Well, wasn't that bad, just early segments, mini gaps and no extra 1 sec. So I started to working on them again and give them some love. After trainning, I have been in a new world!! :D